Friday, August 20, 2021

Day 4: Dealing with Data // DFI

 Day 4: Dealing with Data // DFI

DFI at home has been a new experience for myself as I’ve had to hotspot my data to get internet! Having to pop into school at a selected time to get resources and having to Hotspot and listen to our hui as I drove to and from school! 

Share - 


Sharing has been around since the beginning of time. We share stories, successes and failures, as well as connecting with other people. 

Share on a much greater level. Sharing their learning through their blog, gives them a purpose to complete their mahi. 

It is highly impactful for students to get feedback from people who are not from their class or friend group. This can be powerful and how motivating it can be for your learners. 

Toolkits - Online

Chalk ‘n’ Talk - Google Forms

What is great about google forms is that you can use it for a lot of different purposes. Student voice would be great to use google forms for. It gives our students a free platform for them to express themselves in an open manner without sharing their name. 

Great tips to use when creating a form for students to complete. 

Using Quiz mode can help with assessment. Make sure to have the lock mode on too. 

Below is the link to the google form I created today. It is based around questions for my class whanau, based around distance learning if we will have to go into online distance learning again. 

Google Maps - 

Deep Dive - Google Sheets - 

There are many different functions in google sheets. Shortcuts on how to autofill your cells. I am looking forward to having a play with what we have been learning today. I can’t wait to use google sheets for my data. 

More formats - bottom of the tool/format tab.

Chalk ‘n’ Talk - Sheets on Speed.

This is practice for the exam. 

Tips about Sheet’s that I found useful

  • Maths - Stats use google sheets for graphs. It will then become a live graph and students can then see if the data is correct or not. 

  • Data tab sort A - Z or Z - A

  • Protect range - to set current cells for only one student to view. Select cells then add permissions. 

  • You can add checkboxes. 

  • Use Sheets to enter your writing e-asttle to mark your students' scores. 

Create: Making meaning of content: Analysing data from a student's blog. 

Today we looked at Analysising data from a students blog post. We had to Create a table that displayed each each, month and amount of blog posts that were posted. 
Then we had to create a chart to display the data. I choose to do a monthly overview and a year overview. 


I also created something a little similar to what Mele did. 

Share: Embed and Rewind content

I found this quick tip that Kerry shared very vaild. I have used this before and found that it is easier to write a one word comment however, it may not be effective for students. I think I will be using this in my self, and peer share where they have to give feedback. 


  1. Hi Emma
    Your blog looks amazing! Love it!
    Kind regards

  2. Wow! Such a lot of sharing today Emma. And in between driving and hotspotting!
    Love your Map! Nice to get to know a bit more about you.
    Google Forms have all sorts of possibilities. Let me knwo if you want to know more especially how to use the same Google Form over and over and record on the same Response Sheet.

    1. Hi Cheryl,

      I enjoyed this session even through having to juggle a few things in between! As long as I made it happen I was happy!
      I would love to sit down with you to learn more whenever you are in our kura!

  3. Hi Emma
    Your blog looks amazing. Lot of write ups and creativity could be seen in your post. Well done.


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